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11+ Admissions



The main point of admission to Queen’s College, London is at 11+, when there is a three-form entry. Applicants come from all over London, from a wide range of both independent prep schools and state primaries. While they are required to meet the same academic standards as other applicants, candidates from Queen’s College Preparatory School follow a different entry procedure. We suggest all applicants attend one of our Open Events before applying. 

Selection Process

Queen's is a member of the London 11+ Consortium and follows its Agreed Code of Practice.

We are a selective school, but not narrowly so. Entry at 11+ is on the basis of an entrance exam (one common exam and mark scheme for all of the Consortium schools), an interview and a reference requested from an applicant's current school. Our policy is to offer places on the basis of the whole picture created by these elements and we look very carefully at all three aspects to gauge a candidate's potential.

Key Dates for 11+ Applicants for 2026

Pupils must be born between 1st September 2014 and 31st
August 2015
Deadline for Registration 7th November 2025
Deadline for submitting Examination Entrance Form: (information will be provided by the Registrar upon application) 10th November 2025
Deadline for Bursary Applications 7th November 2025
11+ Entrance Exam* 28th November, 2nd December*, 4th December 2025
Interviews January (dates tbc) 2026
Offers 13th February 2026
Acceptance Deadline 4th March 2026


* Exam held at Queen's College, London

Any admission questions?

If you have any queries about admissions, please do not hesitate to contact our Head of Admissions, Ms Barbara Porter on and she will be happy to help.