2024-2025 Fees
Registration and entry fees
There is a non-returnable registration fee of £150.
When a place is accepted, an entry deposit of £3,000 is payable. £1,000 of this will be deducted from a pupil's first term's bill. The remaining £2,000 will be refunded when a pupil leaves the College, provided the appropriate notice has been given.
Tuition Fees
For the school year 2024-25, tuition fees in the Michaelmas term have been set at £8,575 per term, payable in advance.
For Lent and Summer Terms 2025, the fees have been set at £9,432 (inclusive of VAT), payable in advance.
The Council reserves the right to increase tuition fees without notice in the event of an increase in the approved scale of teachers' salaries.
Fees for extras such as lunches, trips and textbooks are charged in arrears. The cost of individual music lessons are invoiced by, and paid directly to, the Visiting Music Teacher.
A discount of 20% is given on tuition fees for a third sibling attending Queen's whilst her two older sisters are still in the school.
Fees are payable termly by Direct Debit and parents are sent a Direct Debit mandate when their daughter joins Queen's.
Interest will be charged on any school account which becomes overdue, and the Council may require the withdrawal of a girl whose fees are persistently late. Unfortunately, no remission of fees can be granted for absence.
A term's notice in writing must be given before the withdrawal of a girl from the College or a term's fees in lieu of notice will be payable.